Posts Tagged ‘Support’

“The most costly disruptions. . . . Always happen when something we take completely for granted stops working for a minute.”Jed Bartlet (Martin Sheen)

Pilot Image - MICHAEL S. WIRTZ

Image: Michael S. Woritz

When we think of those disruptions, things like the power grid or the water supply come to mind. These are things that have been part of our society for so long that we just can’t imagine them not working. And when they do go out, like in the case of a power outage, it is extremely disruptive and needs to be immediately addressed. I had my power go out about 2 weeks ago due to a transformer blowing out during some construction work. My whole neighborhood shut down and everyone went outside to figure out what was going on, only to see street lights out, traffic acting like ants that had someone step on their path and a general sense of confusion. The real issue was that power is so reliable and so taken for granted that its failure is something completely out of the ordinary in our society and is rarely due to the systems running the power grid, but, as in this case, caused by something extraordinary like the construction accident.

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