Archive for October, 2017

Republished from IDC Community

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) has become a mainstay of mobile deployments today and is recognized as a must for any enterpricyberse company. While EMM handles the basics of securing mobile devices and protecting corporate data and assets, it falls short in several areas, included Man-in-the-Middle attacks, Malware, phishing attacks and modified devices (jailbreaking, etc.). For this reason, a new security add-on has taken shape in the industry: Mobile Threat Management (MTM) software. This cutting-edge technology in the mobile space is just now coming into its own and being recognized as a key need by enterprise executives, augmenting EMM to fully secure devices.

IDC sees the mobile threat management market gaining momentum as more enterprises decide that EMM/MDM and native sandboxing and segmentation on mobile operating systems (OSs) are not enough to meet overall mobile threat management needs. According to IDC’s 2017 U.S. Enterprise Mobility Decision Maker Survey, half of U.S. enterprises and SMBs have deployed some form of mobile device security solution — mobile antimalware, mobile threat management, or mobile app scanning. An additional one-third of U.S. businesses not using MTM today plan to deploy this technology in the future.
