Posts Tagged ‘Apple’

Republished from IDC Community

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) has become a mainstay of mobile deployments today and is recognized as a must for any enterpricyberse company. While EMM handles the basics of securing mobile devices and protecting corporate data and assets, it falls short in several areas, included Man-in-the-Middle attacks, Malware, phishing attacks and modified devices (jailbreaking, etc.). For this reason, a new security add-on has taken shape in the industry: Mobile Threat Management (MTM) software. This cutting-edge technology in the mobile space is just now coming into its own and being recognized as a key need by enterprise executives, augmenting EMM to fully secure devices.

IDC sees the mobile threat management market gaining momentum as more enterprises decide that EMM/MDM and native sandboxing and segmentation on mobile operating systems (OSs) are not enough to meet overall mobile threat management needs. According to IDC’s 2017 U.S. Enterprise Mobility Decision Maker Survey, half of U.S. enterprises and SMBs have deployed some form of mobile device security solution — mobile antimalware, mobile threat management, or mobile app scanning. An additional one-third of U.S. businesses not using MTM today plan to deploy this technology in the future.


“The most costly disruptions. . . . Always happen when something we take completely for granted stops working for a minute.”Jed Bartlet (Martin Sheen)

Pilot Image - MICHAEL S. WIRTZ

Image: Michael S. Woritz

When we think of those disruptions, things like the power grid or the water supply come to mind. These are things that have been part of our society for so long that we just can’t imagine them not working. And when they do go out, like in the case of a power outage, it is extremely disruptive and needs to be immediately addressed. I had my power go out about 2 weeks ago due to a transformer blowing out during some construction work. My whole neighborhood shut down and everyone went outside to figure out what was going on, only to see street lights out, traffic acting like ants that had someone step on their path and a general sense of confusion. The real issue was that power is so reliable and so taken for granted that its failure is something completely out of the ordinary in our society and is rarely due to the systems running the power grid, but, as in this case, caused by something extraordinary like the construction accident.

Read the complete article on the IDC Community.

It was a great second day at HP Discover with lots of things going on in the mobility space. We saw some incredible new announcements and a lot of talks about how HP is helping IT to change the way we do business and mobilize the enterprise.


fira-bcnAs a California native who grew up near the beach I like to say that I run on salt water and sun. So when December hits, I can’t think of a better place to be than the wonderful city of Barcelona with the sea breeze coming off the Mediterranean keeping me going. That’s why I’m so happy that we are returning to Barcelona for HP Discover again this year, and it’s looking to be bigger and better than ever. I’ve been working with the Mobility team on a lot of the planning and there is just some great stuff going on in this space. Be sure to check out all my sessions and everything HP has to offer in the mobile space! I’ve jotted down some of my thoughts as we get ready to head for the Med once again and continue the Enterprise Mobility journey.

Check out the full blog post on Apps for Mobile

HP Discover is hitting up Vegas again this year, and our mobile presence is going to be bigger than ever. I’ve been doing this mobile thing for a few years now and I have to say this is the most exciting line-up I’ve seen yet! Whether you are coming to see the latest hardware we have to offer or finding insights to the latest in software and services, you won’t be disappointed when it comes to our mobile offerings.


tizenWelcome to 2013 and the next chapter in the mobility wars. Next up to the plate, Tizen. Now I know many of you will be saying “hey Tizen isn’t new to the game, it’s been around in one incarnation or another for years now.” While that may be true, this looks to be the year when it breaks out of the open-source basement and hits the streets as a real contender especially now that Samsung spokesperson has confirmed to CNET “that the company plans ‘to unveil competitive Tizen devices within this year.'” With the mobile market really being a two-horse race between Apple and Samsung at this point, that’s a big deal for the market.
